Programa De Internado Estudiantes

CRE Educational Program of the CCCUPR aims to support these efforts in developing a good theoretical basis funded in principles of basic, pre-clinical, clinical research.

Cancer Research Experience (CRE) Mission

Training professionals to high standards by creating leaders that are responsible, autonomous, cooperative, and with a high sense of belonging and commitment to our national and international reality in the area of research in cancer control. We expose our CRE students through different phases of the investigation process, including the presentation of a poster at the end of their research experience. We are pleased to be part of the training of these defenders of life and the environment, who by the use of public policies with knowledge focused on scientific and technological data, are able to promote interdisciplinary dialogue for the good of our society.

Cancer Research Experience (CRE) Vision

To be recognized as a program that:

  • Trains professionals to excel academically and behave ethically, capable of working on interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary teams respecting sociocultural aspects of our society.

  • Promote learning focused on excellence, using modern and effective methodologies in the research area. Thus promoting development in different scenarios that contribute to the development of the disciplinary skills necessary for optimal performance.

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