Streamlyne Research

Research Administration Processes can be quite challenging and time-consuming. Therefore, the University of Puerto Rico Comprehensive Cancer Center has implemented Streamlyne Software to manage its research processes. As part of the research administration, all sponsored projects (grants, contracts, and sub-awards) are entered, routed/approved, and submitted through the system. Additionally, all project-specific Institutional Review Board (IRB) applications will be managed through the platform. As a result, the Streamlyne documentation for sponsored projects will become a permanent record of one’s compliance and external funding history at UPRCCC.

A summary of the process to submit an application is described below:

Step 1 – UPRCCC investigators who plan to submit an application must complete the internal transmittal form and meet with the Office of Sponsored Programs manager for proposal details.

Step 2 – The OSP will open the package in Streamlyne, and the research team will work on the proposal development. Please complete the account creation request form if the individual does not have an account.

Step 3 – To ensure a proper routing process, upload all proposal attachments 5 days before the proposal submission deadline.

Step 4 – Investigators will acknowledge their proposal submission within the routing process. After all approvals are granted, the UPRCCC Signing Official or the OSP Manager will submit the proposal.

If you need more information, please contact:

Streamlyne help
OSP Manager
Ms. Omariz Castillo
IRB Director
Dr. Wanda Figueroa

Streamlyne manuals:*

* Use manuals as general use guidelines. UPRCCC configuration might be a bit different.