Department of Biochemistry
Ponce Health Sciences University
Complete list of publications:
Dr. Dutil leads the cancer genetics & genomics research program at the Ponce Research Institute, Ponce Health Sciences University in Ponce Puerto Rico.
She is interested in identifying cancer genetic risk factors, understanding how inter-individual and inter-population genetic variations regulate the onset and progression in cancer, and developing strategies and tools to integrate genetic/genomics in the clinical management of cancer patients in Puerto Rico. Ongoing projects include the identification of breast cancer risk variants in high-risk non-BRCA families through next-generation sequencing. In addition, her team is working at identifying genomic loci underlying an increased susceptibility to hormonal negative breast cancers associated with African Ancestry, and in assessing the accuracy of breast cancer polygenic risk scores in populations of mixed ancestral origins.
In addition, Dr. Dutil is the principal investigator (PI) of the U54 PACHE PHSU-Moffitt Cancer Center (MCC) Partnership grant, aimed at expanding PHSU’s research capabilities in basic and clinical sciences, strengthen the Puerto Rican tumors biobank, and establish a network and infrastructure to reduce health disparities in the treatment of cancer in Hispanic patients. She is also the also a co-leader of the Quantitative Sciences Core (QSC) developed under this umbrella, whose role is to provide expertise in biostatistics, bioinformatics and software development to investigators of the Partnership.